The inaugural meeting of the Accelerator Technical Forum (ATF) was held at ANSTO, Lucas Heights, NSW, in August 1984. It was initiated by Senior Technician, John Fallon who was responsible for the HVEC KN3000 and FN accelerators at ANSTO. It was designed to bring together like-minded accelerator technicians, engineers and physicists from Australia and New Zealand who were interested in the operation and development of accelerator systems. The driving force behind the forum style meeting was to provide a support platform for technicians and engineers who were not fortunate enough to travel to overseas accelerator conferences where they could take advantage of the experiences and expertise from other major accelerator labs.
Based lightly on SNEAP, it provides an open forum atmosphere that encourages technical discussion on a wide range of topics including ion sources, electrostatic and RF accelerators, telemetry and control systems, cryogenic systems, vacuum technology, beam transport, computer systems, automation, engineering standards, safety and regulatory issues, and laboratory management. It supports all types of accelerators from electrostatic single ended and tandem type through to cyclotrons and synchrotrons. It also includes lower potential ion source type accelerators and complementary systems and instrumentation used in research and industry.
Since the year 2000, ATF’s have been held every two to four years either at ANSTO in Sydney, the Australian National University in Canberra or the University of Melbourne. The ATF is continuing to evolve as technology, research, industry and social demands change and it embraces new technologies, methods, and regulatory changes.
This website provides a repository for recent and future ATF’s and as well, it provides shared technical information from the supporting accelerator and complementary research labs and technology suppliers. Please enjoy!
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