First Australian Accelerator Technical Forum 20 – 21 August 1984 in collaboration with AAEC and AINSE Lucas Heights Research Laboratories New Illawarra Rd Lucas Heights, NSW The inaugural meeting of the Accelerator Technical Forum (ATF) was held at ANSTO, Lucas Heights, NSW, in August 1984. It was initiated and convened by Senior Technician, John Fallon …
The site administrators are seeking information on the second ATF in 1986. Unfortunately, time has stolen some of the memories of this conference. If anyone has any notes and/or photos that they would like to share then please contact the administrators. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
IWAT ATF 1995 UoMelbourne
International Workshop on Accelerator Technology As a lead on after the 1984 and 1986 Accelerator Technical Forums held in Sydney, the University of Melbourne used a similar format and hosted the International Workshop on Accelerator Technology. The International Workshop on Accelerator Technology (IWAT) was held at the School of Physics, Melbourne University from 25 to 27 September …
ATF 2004 ANU
The 2004 ATF was hosted by the Australian National University from 14th to 16th September 2004 in Canberra, ACT. There were 39 attendees (excluding sponsors) from 8 research facilities in Australia and New Zealand including three cyclotron facilities. There were 31 formal presentations made. ATF 2004 – List of Attendees ATF 2004 ANU – Forum Information and program ATF …
ATF / SNEAP 2006
Sydney and Canberra, 15th to 20th October 2006 The combined 5th Accelerator Technical Forum (ATF) and 40th Symposium of North Eastern Accelerator Personnel (SNEAP) 2016 conference was jointly hosted by ANSTO in Sydney and the ANU in Canberra from the 15th to 20th October 2006. The conference was attended by 72 technicians, engineers, physicists and technology suppliers. …
Workshop successfully completed. The following is archived conference organisation information only. ACAS Workshop on Accelerator Feedback Systems 2010 Incorporating the Accelerator Technical Forum (ATF) Professional development for accelerator staff Sydney 13-15 December 2010 ANSTO Lucas Heights New Illawarra Road Lucas Heights, NSW Keynote Speakers: Prof Ken Peach, University of Oxford John Fox, Stanford university Ralph Steinhagen, CERN …
The 7th ATF meeting was hosted by ANSTO at Cronulla, Sydney, NSW from 20th to 23rd May 2014. It was attended by 54 technicians, engineers and technology suppliers. There were 27 formal presentations and 3 open sessions where a wide variety of technical topics were discussed. We thank all of the participants and our sponsors for …
SNEAP / ATF 2016
The combined 50th SNEAP and 8th ATF conference was hosted by ANSTO in Sydney, NSW, Australia from 12th to 15th December 2016. It was attended by over 50 technicians, engineers and technology suppliers. . We thank all of the participants and our sponsors for their encouragement and generous support. Special thanks and congratulations to John McKay on his …
ATF 2020 Australian Synchrotron
The ATF 2020 was hosted online by the Australian Synchrotron in Melbourne on 26-28 October 2020. For more inforamtion please visit there site here
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