First Australian Accelerator Technical Forum
20 – 21 August 1984
in collaboration with AAEC and AINSE
Lucas Heights Research Laboratories
New Illawarra Rd Lucas Heights, NSW
The inaugural meeting of the Accelerator Technical Forum (ATF) was held at ANSTO, Lucas Heights, NSW, in August 1984. It was initiated and convened by Senior Technician, John Fallon who was responsible for the HVEC KN3000 and FN accelerators at ANSTO at the time. It was designed to bring together like-minded accelerator technicians, engineers and physicists from Australia and New Zealand who were interested in the operation and development of accelerator systems. The driving force behind the forum style meeting was to provide a support platform for technicians and engineers who were not fortunate enough to travel to overseas accelerator conferences where they could take advantage of the experiences and expertise from other major accelerator labs.
Based lightly on SNEAP in the northern hemisphere, it provided an open forum atmosphere that encouraged technical discussion on a wide range of topics including facilities operations, ion sources, charging systems, high voltages, gas handling systems, radiation, vacuum technology, beam transport hardware and new related technologies. It was primarily for labs utilising and operating electrostatic single ended and tandem type accelerators and lower potential ion source type accelerators.
Forum Convenor: Mr J P Fallon
- Dr J K Parry AAEC (Australian Atomic Energy Commission)
- Dr J R Bird AAEC
- Dr J W Boldeman AAEC
- Mr E A Palmer AINSE
- Mr R Turkentine ANU
The Forum Convenor wishes to thank all who have helped in the organisation of the First Australian Accelerator Technology Forum, particularly the Advisers. Thanks are due to the AAEC and AINSE for financial support. The support of all participants and their respective institutions, organisations and universities is acknowledged particularly with regard to the wealth of knowledge that has been brought to the forum so that it may be freely inter-changed for the benefit of all.
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