The 2004 ATF was hosted by the Australian National University from 14th to 16th September 2004 in Canberra, ACT. There were 39 attendees (excluding sponsors) from 8 research facilities in Australia and New Zealand including three cyclotron facilities. There were 31 formal presentations made.
ATF 2004 Presentations (ANSTO’s only)
Morning tea with the sponsors
David Weisser (ANU) presenting a lab report
Fred Johnson (ANU) presenting a lab report
Roland Szymanski (UoM) presenting a lab report
Michael Druce (ANSTO) presenting a facility talk on the ANSTO cyclotron
Peter Drewer (ANSTO) presenting a talk on 846B ion source modifications
Tour of the ANU LINAC
Al Cooper discussing the ANU LINAC during the lab tour
Roland Szymanski looking for spare parts!
Alister Muirhead discussing the operation of the multihead liquid nitrogen filling facility
Greg Cooke (ANSTO) presenting a talk on the KN3000 charging belt upgrade to a Siegling belt
Andy Rawlinson (ANU) presenting a talk on a gridded buncher on the 14UD accelerator
David Button (ANSTO) presenting a talk on external HV breakdown on the 2MV tandetron
Morning tea discussions and a few tall stories to spice things up a little
David Garton (ANSTO) presenting a talk on quality and safety
Alan Cooper (ANU) presenting a talk on Cooperite
Damien Lynch (ANSTO) presenting a talk on EPICS programming
Steve Gatt (ANSTO) presenting a talk on an SF6 gas plant upgrade
Adam Sarbutt (ANSTO) talking about water cooling of accelerators
Small NEC Pelletron accelerator opened for inspection during ANU lab tour
Conference dinner
Justin Heighway (ANU) presenting on turbopump rebuilds
David Anderson (ANU) presenting a talk on spark protection in the terminal
Kevin Thorpe (ANSTO) presenting a talk on ANTARES vacuum & cryo-pump repairs
The master of blue smoke theory, Craig Marshall
Thomas Tuchyna (Perth Cyclotron) presenting a facility talk
Chris Purcell (GNS) presenting a lab report
Peter Caunt (Royal Canberra Hospital) presenting a facility report
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